Doctoral Consortium
A doctoral consortium will take place in conjunction with the CPR 2024 conference, as in previous years. It is meant for students spanning those at an early stage in their doctoral program to those who are more advanced and are at the stage of writing their dissertation proposal and who are conducting research on a topic related to the conference theme or to the broad focus of the CPR conference on understanding issues pertaining to the intersection of information technology and people. The purpose of the consortium is two-fold:
- provide feedback and guidance to students on their proposal while at a stage where feedback can be considered for future dissertation work
- provide mentoring and networking opportunities to students who wish to pursue careers as researchers at the intersection of information systems and people.
Doctoral students must be nominated to the consortium by a faculty sponsor. The nomination letter should include the following:
- Relationship of the faculty sponsor to the nominee
- The stage in the doctoral program at which the nominee is in
- A brief statement on how the topic of the candidate’s dissertation relates to the conference theme or to the broad focus of the CPR conference on understanding issues pertaining to the intersection of information technology and people.
Students nominated for the consortium should submit their package as one pdf file via The application package includes a 10-page research proposal (including all text, figures, and references; double space to be reviewed by a panel of highly qualified senior faculty mentors, and the nomination letter from a faculty sponsor. The doctoral students selected to participate in the doctoral consortium will receive one round of written feedback on their proposal.
During the doctoral consortium, each student will have 15-20 minutes to present their research ideas and receive feedback in-person from experienced researchers and fellow consortium participants. The doctoral consortium will allow activities in plenary mode and intense workshop sessions in smaller groups. The submission deadline for doctoral consortium applications is the same as the general submission deadline. Accepted students may choose to publish the full proposal that was submitted for evaluation or an extended abstract of their proposal in the conference proceedings. Funding will be available to assist selected students with travel expenses.
Important Dates for Doctoral Consortium
Submission deadline: March 20, 2024
Notification of acceptance: April 8, 2024
Camera-ready version: April 19, 2024
The doctoral consortium will be held on May 29, 2024 at MTSU
You can download the Doctoral Consortium Schedule here: SIGMIS CPR 2024 DC Schedule