The ACM Special Interest Group (SIG) on Management Information Systems (MIS) promotes best-practice and research in the management of information systems and technologies in management commerce. SIGMIS is a founder of ISWorld Net at, and a sponsor of several conferences on information systems and technology. As one of the oldest of ACM’s SIG’s, SIGMIS traces its beginnings back to 1961, and for forty years has been instrumental in defining and developing the field of management and information systems.
The merger with SIGCPR – Computers and People Research – has provided a forum for better understanding the people issues that are critical in the development, acquisition, management, use and maintenance of information technologies and systems, and investigates the needs, interests, and abilities of computer professionals, managers, and end-users who work with information technology in their organizations. Members include computer professionals, educators, MIS managers, and human resource specialists from a broad range of organizations. Its annual conference is unique in its role of gathering together MIS professionals interested in issues related to computer professional and end-user career development, training, and management.
SIGMIS members are interested in information systems and technologies for management, and the management of these systems and technologies. The scope of the Group’s specialty is the applications of computers in a business environment; techniques and methods for analysis, design testing, maintenance, and management of computer-based business information systems.
The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems is a quarterly publication of ACM SIGMIS.